Return Policy and Refund

In some cases, you can quickly and without loss return the money. When making such a decision, we ask you to immediately e-mail us to [email protected] with the subject ‘Waiver from insurance’ and indicate the insurance policy number.

Below we provide detailed information about the rules of return. If you have any questions, feel free to call us and e-mail.

Order Cancellation and Refund

  • personally by the Consumer at the office of the insurance company with which the contract is concluded;
  • personally by the Consumer at the office of Get Consult Insurance Broker;
  • sending the original notice by courier to the office of the insurance company with which the contract was concluded;
  • by prior arrangement depending on the rules of the insurance company, it is possible to send a copy of notification to the e-mail of Get Consult Insurance Broker [email protected];
  • According to Art. 12, part 1 of the Bulgarian law on the provision of distant financial services:The Consumer shall have the right without paying a penalty and at his discretion withdraw from the concluded contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion hereof or moment when the Consumer received the terms of the contract and information under Art. 10, Part 1 and 2 if it happened after the contract’s execution.

    According to Art. 10, Part 3, this rule does not apply to insurance contracts related to travel, baggage or other insurance contracts concluded for a period of less than one month.

    In cases when the Consumer exercises the right to terminate the contract in accordance with Art. 12, Part 2 of the Law on the Provision of Distant Financial Services, the Consumer shall reimburse the insurance company for a part of the insurance premium for the period in which the insurance company carried the risks associated with the insurance contract, if the insurance event did not occur, as well as the administrative expenses of the insurance company. According to Art. 13 of the same law, the Consumer shall pay these costs within seven days.

    Get Consult Insurance Broker shall facilitate the return of the Consumer’s funds from Bulgarian Insurance Companies within 30 days from the receipt by the Insurance Company of a statement (in free form) about the request to exercise the right to refuse, according to Art. 13 part 5 of the Law on the Provision of Distant Financial Services.

    It should be borne in mind that the funds (premium) under the insurance contract shall be transferred to the Insurance Company. The insurance Broker is an intermediary between the Consumer and the Insurance Company and cannot influence the acceleration of internal procedures in the Insurance Company.

    In the event of early termination of the insurance contract, the Consumer shall submit a notification indicating the full details of the bank account in BGN or EUR in a Bulgarian bank. Refunds shall be made only to the personal account of the insured person (or the person who paid the insurance premium).